Our Executive Coaching, Mentoring services are unique

Because our life and work experience is unique

Our Coaching and Mentoring services


Functional Executive Coaching

While every person and every situation is unique, each functional areas has specific challenges to address, tensions to manage, and opportunities to capitalise upon. We specialise in:

  • Quality Assurance Executive Coaching

  • Change Management Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching

Our executive coaching services are designed to enable leaders to harness their unique strengths, and the unique strengths of their organisations

  • We coach Women in position of leadership and responsibility

  • We coach Executives to leverage the diversity capital as a catalyst for business results



There is nothing more powerful than enriching the executive coaching practice with the experiential knowledge coming from our own Life. And because of our life experience:

  • We mentor Women and Carers in your organisation

  • We help Executives gaining different perspectives, through Reverse Mentoring programs